Sunday, December 2, 2018

Week 4 - The Importance of Iteration

ITERATIVE DESIGN. Has and is seen as a life cycle similar to the diagram below.

In some schools of pedagogy, iterations are used to describe the process of teaching or guiding students to repeat experiments, assessments, or projects, until more accurate results are found, or the student has mastered the technical skill. This idea is found in the adage, "Practice makes perfect." In particular, "iterative" is defined as the "process of learning and development that involves cyclical inquiry, enabling multiple opportunities for people to revisit ideas and critically reflect on their implication."
Unlike computing and math, educational iterations are not predetermined; instead, the task is repeated until success according to some external criteria (often a test) is achieved.
Gray, C. (2018)

 Course design learners might be encouraged to repeat a science project with several sets of parameters in attempts to gain new results and stimulate thinking, or concept continually seeking improvement on a design. This continuation of improvement starts with a framework (idea) and moves forward the design process of developing something tangible (Prototype) all the parts gathered you build and send your model to test learners allowing them to run your prototype see how it works basically kick the tires and press all the buttons. You gather all the results and start from the front of the cycle your idea challenged and tested how did it perform? What needs to be polished and or changed then you go back to your prototype and restructure and make your adjustment and send what you have constructed on to be tested again. This cycle or iteration might need to repeat before it moves into the hands of trainers, professors to put before a set of learners.  Even when in practice especially with online learners there should be a post-survey to evaluate not only the instructor’s delivery but how the course itself held up.  The science teacher when having learners adjust their projects they also will be examining not only the results but how effective the given parameters made the project change but stimulated their thinking.
As in the science project, you cannot just toss variables and parameters at your learners you need to be sure they understand the who, what, when, where and why of tools of their design.  Such as how the online learners need to understand how to follow your course from start to finish. It seems the literacy process moves in mysterious ways, We agree it has a life cycle but it has to explain


    As a health professional, you should be used to iterations in the use of procedures and teaching and learning those procedures, even when you think its taught, leaned designed it still needs rethinking and tweaked.  We all know that new discoveries in medicine are found and created daily so iteration is and should be a way of life in the medical field.

Lennox, L., Doyle, C., Reed, J. E., & Bell, D. (2017). What makes a sustainability tool valuable, practical and useful in real-world healthcare practice? A mixed-methods study on the development of the long term success tool in northwest london. BMJ Open, 7(9) doi:

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