Tuesday, October 30, 2018

WK3 - 1

                                                   Facebook        Privacy

  This is a very common mistake made by many people they do not follow the directions or warning on privacy embedded within Facebook.  The next thing people forget is that if its written-on line it’s going to be found one way or another and forget discursion.  There does need to be a disciplinary process in place other than just direct termination for this impish style of comment and asked if you are not happy at this school maybe you need to move on.  I feel this action was harsh if you read the prompt to this course and the article you will notice the teacher did not single out or mention any students but however the issue is with the school and the system structure. As I said before if you’re not happy move on.1

  This situation recently occurred here in Gainsville FL where a city police officer voiced an opinion on Facebook and was found by superiors, the officers reportedly had committed such a violation on one other occasion and was suspended then returned to work several weeks later.  The next year he repeated the same violation again only to be discovered again and this time was terminated.  First off I think of learning fire burns first time is shame on you the second time that well we get the point.  Facebook, Twitter are not labeled social media for no reason.

Just as with health care providers, nurses, technicians, and all who have contact with clients have laws and rules to follow about speaking out and disclosure.   This comment was relatively benign and only demonstrated the teacher's displeasure with the school and system employer and yet we have a right to opinions but there are a place and time and this person choose poorly and yes with this information the school overreacted on a first offense. 

  Example? Not very good as teachers we are supposed to be teaching learners how to be responsible online and use smart thinking, to me this would be a good time to present a presentation to learners on the error made and how learners can learn from this indiscretion.   Taking a negative and turning it into not only a positive but a learning experience for students and other teachers.

  Privacy online is the rights of all people and yes we deserve it, but as stated before nothing online can be 100% secured or private.  There are ways to keep both professional and private apart easily and should be strongly encouraged with by using the same tactics as authors “pen names” this use provides a layer of added privacy and security, you still need to be smart and use discretion and simply keep yourself in check.

  Use this phrase in a search engine such as Google and check out the list of reported indiscretions.  I am not picking on police please do not get that I love our law enforcement and first responders but wow they need to be a little more discreet. I even typed in, Teachers terminated for comments on social media? the lists are astounding.

Check you're settings.


1 Assignment comment;In this particular case, a teacher made a comment on Facebook about a student in her class that was meant for her friends but seen publicly (including by students)https://ashford.instructure.com/courses/33248/discussion_topics/923725?module_item_id=1686395

Article statement;The unidentified teacher, who teaches at Thomasboro Elementary School, which has 94 percent of its students in the free lunch program, wrote in her Facebook page, "I am teaching in the most ghetto school in Charlotte."file:///C:/Users/conra/OneDrive/Desktop/Schaffhauser,%20D.%20(2008).%20Suspended%20Teacher%20in%20Facebook%20Incident%20Ignites%20Debate.pdf

FindLaw.comTeachers and Social Media: Rights and Responsibilities.” https://education.findlaw.com/teachers-rights/teachers-and-social-media-rights-and-responsibilities.html

Buttler, S. (2018) “Orlando police officers can now be fired for what they say on social media” https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orlando-police-officers-can-now-be-fired-for-what-they-say-on-social-media/803943879

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