Friday, November 30, 2018

EDU 697 / Week 1 - Discussion

Article to review,
Longman, S., & Gabriel, M. (2004). Staff perceptions of E-learning: A community care access centre looks at current practices and approaches to better meet individual learners' needs and the educational and fiscal needs of the organization. The Canadian Nurse, 100(1), 23-27. Retrieved from

    I choose this article because it fits in one of my main interests in HR and that is the way the organization is trained, and the information is delivered.  The basis of the article was to survey in an attempt to discover learner’s perspective on E-learning.  The organization in conducting such surveys not only learns how staff learns online but who are learning online.  This data can be used to modify E-learning programs and methods of delivery to keep competitive with other organizations and UpToDate with new procedures.  Keeping learners and staff informed and offering new methods of learning has proven to be approved even by some skeptics.  The organizational learning systems do still present some distractions such as programming issues and content delivery but overall learners who were interviewed liked the self-paced learning and most encouraged for the delivery to be available online any place the staff wishes to log in most stated they would like to be at home and complete learning, eliminating distractions.  The options of E-learning offers a wide-open selection of how the organization delivers information and engages staff while encouraging learners to remain engaged in the E-learning processes.

Thank you in advance for your support.
Phil C

Thursday, November 29, 2018

EDU 697 Week 1 - Post Your Introduction

Phil C.

  Mark Twain quote: “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
I wanted to just see what other people had to say about this statement, what I found was almost all people had a similar reflection on it. I think it simply interprets as no matter what level of education you obtain should not keep you from gaining real-life education. Those of us who went through life first and now are in school some say have the advantages of knowing and learning from life, some just dismiss us yet to realize later “oh that old guy told me this a few years ago and he was spot on.” Not to dismiss education but teaching learners application is missing in today’s systems. Real life events are going to teach you something whether you want it too or not to be open to learning where it comes from. (School of hard knocks and bruises.) from an old guy. 

In further to Mark Twain, when you read the story of Huckleberry Finn, there are many encrypted morals.  one could read his choice to leave with his mentor JIM huck proclaimed "Alright, then, I'll go to hell,"  this shows how huck is willing to sacrifice his ticket to heaven in order to help Jim gain freedom.  In doing this he is in his way renouncing slavery and going against his formal education to do what he believes is correct.  His choice in helping free the slave and override what he had been taught was correct for him.  The lesson is in part dismissing racism for humanity and learning to think for yourself and yet still not dismissing formal education, but that the two real-life experiences simply enhance that formal education.

In school, learners should retain what we are instructed to help us grow our person, not just to be standard and get straight A's. When the education system is damaged, we must not let it get in the way of our learning of how to be a decent human being.